Category: News & Events

  • FT business books: what to read this month

    Inalytics recommends reading on of the Financial Time’s business books of the month, Quit: the Power of Knowing When to Walk Away by Annie Duke. Annie makes reference to our academic paper, “Selling Fast and Buying Slow”, co-authored by our CEO, Rick Di Mascio. The paper uses our Peer Group database of institutional investor decisions…

  • Inalytics Client Conference 2022

    After a four-year absence, Inalytics’ biannual client conference returned last week, in beautiful Bergamo, Italy. Clients enjoyed sessions covering our new research topics and talks from outside speakers, covering topics from investment skill in private markets to performance measurement in professional football. In between sessions, clients enjoyed wine-tasting sessions, delicious food, and lively discussion. Our…

  • Hedgeweek Summit 2022: Does skill exist, and when it does, what does it look like?

    Rick Di Mascio, CEO of Inalytics, presented at the Hedgeweek European Leadership Summit 2022. At the conference, Rick provided his perspectives on investment skill drawing on his 40 years’ investment experience. Inalytics was founded in 1997 to help understand investment skill and help investment managers and owners make better investment decisions.