Author: incitoadm

  • Rick Di Mascio appears on CFA UK’s In Conversation Podcast

    In CFA UK’s In Conversation podcast, our CEO Rick Di Mascio talked to Maha Khan Phillips about the evolution of behavioural finance, and where we go from here.  From their website: The world of behavioural analysis has shifted significantly since its origins in the 1970s and 1980s. Discussing its evolution, Rick Di Mascio, Chief Executive of Inalytics –…

  • ESG Decision Analytics for Asset Owners

    Incorporating ESG ratings data from FTSE Russell is just one of the ways Inalytics broadens the analysis of client portfolios. A clear picture of how external managers are incorporating ESG criteria into their investment processes is only becoming more important as the shift to responsible investing accelerates. ESG ratings are just one of the multiple…

  • IPE – Press Coverage

    Another piece in Investment & Pensions Europe (IPE), on Inalytics’ new decision-attribution model, DECSIS, devised to provide asset owners and managers with granular insight into the decisions they need to improve and enhance performance. Inalytics launches manager selection analysis tool with skills-based data | News | IPE