How is investment manager due diligence evolving? Inalytics at the Fiduciary Investors Symposium

There is a lot of ground to improve the due diligence process” says Laurence Parker-Brown of Conexus Financial.

In discussion with Inalytics CEO, Rick Di Mascio, at Investment Magazine’s Fiduciary Investors Symposium, Rick explains how data science can move the due diligence process on by asking insightful questions which get to the heart of the matter, which is; does this person have skill or not?

Part of an online conference exploring the present and anticipated changes affecting the financial industry, Rick’s session examines the changing nature of investment manager due diligence in the digital age.

Listen to Rick’s full interview:

Pointing to the world of elite sports as an example of the advantages of using data analytics to improve performance, Rick remarks “The parallels between the investment world and the world of sports are really quite extraordinary. They are both skills-based activities, and are under the same kind of performance pressures, but sports are just decades ahead of us in terms of how they use their data to improve players and the overall game.

For further insight, listen to episode 6 of our Analysing Investment Skill podcast, where Rick and Tim Harkness (renowned sports psychologist and data analyst) discuss the vital role of due diligence, research and rigour in differentiating luck from skill.

To find out more about how Inalytics analyse decisions and portfolios to help improve the investment process and select skilful portfolio managers, please contact us.