Year: 2013

  • Industry Innovation Awards Dinner

    The Industry Innovation Awards take place in New York on December 4th and recognise excellence in five categories, including; Core Investments, Alternative Investments, Strategy & Tactics, Servicing, and Holistic. Inalytics is delighted to have been nominated in the Servicing category for Transition Management. The company has been recognised for its work during the past year…

  • Are top athletes and fund managers really worlds apart?

    Superstar performance Are the causes of Andy Murray’s success really that different to Warren Buffett’s? Both are superstars in their own fields; high achievers who are richly rewarded. Fans of both believe they are highly skilled at their chosen profession. For athletes like Murray, his coaches have a wealth of data and performance statistics, which…

  • Research Paper 08: Does it pay to own companies that do the right thing?

    Does strong corporate governance lead to outperformance? Does it pay to own companies that do the right thing? Or is it as St. Augustine famously said, “Lord, make me pure, but not yet”. This research paper puts the moral question to one side and addresses it from a more prosaic or secular perspective by analysing…